Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Any suggestions?

I work for a non-profit agency in a department that may no longer exist in a few months. The contract with the state for this part of the agency has expired and we're currently in a bidding war of sorts to be able to renew the contract. If we aren't awarded the contract my position will disappear.

With this in the back of my mind I've been looking through job openings in Tucson this week to see what my options are if I need to start applying come November. So far I haven't found anything promising. A lot of what I'm interested in requires a degree and experience that I don't have. A lot of what I'm actually qualified for is in the field of behavioral health and requires a level of in home services that I'd like to avoid.

I need some help brainstorming ideas. And so I present to you my list of characteristics for my ideal* job:

  • Involves teaching of some sort
  • Allows me to be creative
  • Involves making art of some sort
  • Flexible schedule
  • Minimal amount of driving and any driving that I do have to do is done in a company vehicle
  • At least $30,000 a year (I make less than that now and am doing okay financially...but I know I deserve more!)
  • A decent amount of time off (Right now I accrue about 14 hours of vacation time every month. I don't expect to find that anywhere else but...something close would be awesome)
  • Being able to leave my work at work...no paperwork to catch up on when I get home
  • Something that doesn't drain my energy. It would be nice if I didn't feel like going to bed at 8pm most nights
  • Meaningful- I'm contributing to society and/or being proactive and preventative in some way
  • Teaches me new skills but doesn't require me to return to college
  • Continuing to work with youth (13-20s)
  • Makes me smile

Any suggestions? 

*My truly ideal job would involve laying in a field of wildflowers, surrounded by friendly rabbits and kittens while eating cupcakes and reading poetry and then getting paid to paint my experience afterwards. I haven't seen a job posting for that yet so in the meantime I'll try to focus on something more realistic.

Look at how smart and qualified I am!

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